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  • 【康复护理】Medpage 公司推出了新防撞垫|脆性|骨折|medpage

  • 发布日期:2025-01-04 10:46    点击次数:118

本文由定制化的企业情报智能服务平台——【情报强企】提供Medpage 的交易名称为 Easylink,提供各种辅助技术,该公司推出了新型防撞垫,旨在减少床上跌倒造成的伤害。Medpage, which trades as Easylink and supplies a wide range of assistive technologies, has launched new crash mats that are designed to reduce injuries from bed falls.该公司表示,它与英国一家领先的防撞垫制造商合作,为跌倒管理策略提供经济高效的工具。The firm says it collaborated with a leading UK manufacturer of crash mats to deliver a cost-effective tool for falls management strategies.据英国政府称,未解决的家庭跌倒危险预计会给英格兰 NHS 造成 4.35 亿英镑的损失,而英国每年因脆性骨折造成的总损失估计为 44 亿英镑。According to the UK Government, unaddressed fall hazards in the home are estimated to cost the NHS in England £435 million, while the total annual cost of fragility fractures to the UK has been estimated at £4.4 billion.新型 TumbleCare 全长压力垫传感器的加入可确保患者从床上翻倒时生成警报信号,提醒护理人员注意这一事件,从而对患者安全和服务带来可记录的改善。The inclusion of the new TumbleCare full-length pressure mat sensor ensures that should a patient tumble out of bed, an alarm signal is generated to alert care staff to the incident, resulting in a recordable improvement to patient safety and service.防撞垫可充当保护屏障,吸收跌倒的冲击力,并降低人从床上滚下来时遭受严重伤害的风险。 Medpage 强调,它们对跌倒风险高的人有益,例如老年人、手术后康复的患者或患有癫痫等神经系统疾病的人。Crash mats act as a protective barrier, absorbing the impact of a fall and reducing the risk of serious injuries when a person tumbles out of bed. They are beneficial for individuals who are at high risk of falling, such as older adults, patients recovering from surgery, or those with neurological conditions like epilepsy, Medpage underlines.本文内容来源于网络资料,由【情报强企】整理


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